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Is Brexit Causing You Storage Headaches ?

Posted by wobstorage on October 7, 2019

Has ever a ‘B’ word caused so much emotion?! Even though Brexit might be bringing you out in hives, as a business owner we all know the importance of being prepared.


If you are having trouble finding space to stockpile goods, why not look for a temporary storage option to tide you over?


Huge multinationals can store more supplies and products in-house because they have the warehouse space, but over the recent months there has been a huge increase in demand for short term secure self-storage units, particularly from small to medium sized businesses.


Companies like this know that the supply of raw materials and products are vital to their survival and success, but they don’t have enough space on their own premises in which to store extra materials, ingredients, packaging and finished goods.


Managing the supply chain will be key to how businesses survive the initial ‘shock’. Minimising the interruption or delay of supplies has to be a priority in the short term. Flexible self-storage and external drive-up units could be just the answer to your short-term needs.


Why don’t you contact us today to talk to one of our storage experts and see how you can benefit from short term storage solutions?